Audio Files

Audio File Text Ground-Truth VoxtLM-3M-50 VoxtLM200_LS+M VoxtLM-Bal-1000
1089_134686_000015_000004 heron beside stephen began to hum tunelessly
1089_134686_000027_000001 he clasped his hands on the desk and said
1089_134686_000010_000001 do you mean to say that you are not able to tell me what a surd is
1089_134686_000010_000000 well now ennis i declare you have a head and so has my stick
1089_134686_000027_000000 the rector did not ask for a catechism to hear the lesson from
1089_134686_000009_000007 devotion had gone by the board
1089_134686_000015_000002 but the dusk deepening in the schoolroom covered over his thoughts
1089_134686_000004_000000 is that you pigeon
1089_134686_000009_000003 the chaos in which his ardor extinguished itself was a cold indifferent knowledge of himself
1089_134686_000018_000000 the boy from the house is coming up for the rector
1089_134686_000015_000001 he tried to think how it could be
1089_134686_000022_000001 do not make such a bally racket
1089_134686_000009_000000 a cold lucid indifference reigned in his soul
1089_134686_000022_000000 shut up will you
1089_134686_000028_000003 if any boys have special confessors perhaps it will be better for them not to change
1089_134686_000032_000009 a great soldier of god
1089_134686_000032_000008 a great saint saint francis xavier
1089_134686_000028_000002 on friday confession will be heard all the afternoon after beads
1089_134686_000034_000001 10000 souls won for god in a single month